- Your own preprepared cookies 

- Leaf Green icing colour 

- Rose icing colour 

- Violet icing colour 

- Sky Blue icing colour 

- White icing colour 

- Sprinkles 

Are you after a fun recipe to make with the kids? 

Get them excited about Easter this year through the art of baking! These little sweet treats are sure to have your kids hopping around in no time, and are incredibly easy to make.  

After all there's no better way to celebrate easter than cookies shaped like the big man himself (and by big man, we mean Easter bunny). 



1. Make your favourite cookies using your own recipe and divide the dough into four portions. Colour each dough portion with the white icing colour, then add to each one of the portions a colour: either pink, violet, green or blue. Make sure to work on one colour at a time. 

2. Break off a piece of dough to make a ball and roll the ball into a rope like shape directly onto an un-greased cookie sheet. The aim is to have a 20cm rope, that's wider in the centre and tapers off towards the edges. 

3. Pick up both ends of one of the ropes, leaving the wider centre on the cookie sheet and twist the rope once before laying the ends up to form bunny ears. 

4. Shape another little ball of the same colour dough and roll it in sprinkles, to place in the centre of the cookie base. Repeat this process with the remaining dough, forming three bunny cookies of each colour. 

5. Bake the cookies in the centre of a 170ºC oven until they're firm and just starting to brown (10 to 14 minutes). Cool them on a tray for a few minutes and then gently loosen them from the cookie sheet to serve.


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Bakemaster Cooling Tray 46cm x 25cm
$16.95 RRP $26.95
Cooling Tray 46cm x 25cm
Wilton 6 Inch Rolling Pin
6 Inch Rolling Pin

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