For beautiful,cast iron cookware in a variety of vivid colours, look no further than Chasseur. Since 1924, Chasseur cast iron cookware has been produced in the Champagne Ardennes region in France, a region famous for its food and sparkling wine. See more
The beauty of cooking in cast iron is that the heavy duty body of the pots and pans works to ensure even heat distribution throughout. Turn the oven down low and let the casserole simmer and self baste until it’s ready. Chasseur frypans and grills perform similar to the BBQ hot plate you love when cooking outdoors.
Suitable for use on all cooking surfaces including induction, Chasseur cookware is enamel coated in a range of colours so there is sure to be a Chasseur cookware item for your home. Looking for inspiration for cooking in cast iron try theMoroccan Apricot Chicken recipe from ourblog.