- A packet of Bright White Candy Melts 

- A packet of Pink Candy Melts 

- Your premade cookies or your favourite chocolate sandwhich cookies

- Black edible marker 

You know how we always make sure to leave out a few cookies and some milk when Santa comes? Well why not leave out these cute and delicious cookie pops for when the bunny gets here (although he might have a problem with eating them himself.....). 

Anyway, these tasty, sweet treats are super easy to make and require the help of little hands so encourage your kids to help you in the kitchen and they just might get a cookie pop as a reward (if they're lucky)! 



1. Melt 50g of each candy melt (Bright White & Pink) separately, according to packet instructions. Reserve the remains white candy for later. 

2. To pipe the bunny ears, prepare 2 decorating bags, one with the melted white candy and the other with the pink candy. On a wax-paper covered board, pipe the bunny ears (if they come out looking a little worse for wear, don't worry, us too). Start with the pink candy, piping a line that's about 1 1/2cm tall, then pipe the white candy around the pink as an outline. Make 2 ears per cookie pop. Chill until they're set, or for about 5 to 10 minutes. 

3. Now it's time to dip the cookies! Insert the tip of a lollipop stick into the remaining melted candy, then into the middle of the cookie. Repeat this process with the remaining cookies. Let them set for about 15 to 20 minutes. 

4. Melt the remaining 280g of the Bright White candy according to the packet instructions, then dip the cookies into the melted candy. Tap lightly on the edge of the bowl to remove any excess candy. 

5. Transfer them to another wax-paper covered board and immediately place the bunny ears on the top. Chill these until they're set, usually around 10 to 15 minutes. 

6. Decorate the cookies by using a black edible marker by drawing a face on each cookie. You're all done. Go enjoy your cute, little creations!


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