Reusable Kitchen Products
When you're ready to join the war on waste, come to Matchbox to choose from our range of reusable and waste saving products designed to reduce our impact on the environment. Join the crowd reducing our reliance on single-use coffee cups and water bottles, with brands like KeepCup, Avanti, Contigo, Oasis and many more, you can reduce your environmental impact today. While you are at it why not do away with plastic straws for their reusable stainless steel and silicone straw equivalents.
We focus on making the highest quality reusable items available to you in the following product categories:
If you are trying to reduce reuse recycle, why not get started by eliminating single-use plastic bags? Matchbox has a range of stylish reusable shopping bags and clever produce bags from brands like Karlstert, Sachi and Appetito.
Making your lunch fresh at home and packing in reusable lunch bags and boxes, not only reduces the amount of single-use plastic like sandwich bags and wraps that go to landfill, but can also save you money.
Food waste is another significant issue in Australia, Matchbox has a collection of food saving products that helps keep your produce fresh for longer so less ends up in landfill.